Get to know your team, build relational capital and increase productivity all while creating the best place to work.

Show Notes:

One-on-Ones involve a time commitment that can feel unproductive in the short run, but the long-term payoffs are significant.

You may have had bad experiences with 1:1s in the past.  Typically the standard 1:1s are either focused too much on production or too much on connection.

Production focused 1:1s can leave staff feeling micro-managed and connection focused 1:1s can lead to extended personal conversations that rarely help employees do anything other than gossip.

On top of that, they can feel awkward at when they first get started if the goal wasn’t firmly set with a structured approach and neither party knows what to really do.

Key Elements

  • Regularly scheduled and are rarely if ever missed.
  • 30 minutes:
    • 10 minutes focused on building connection by focusing on things that are important to the employees
    • 10 minutes focused on productivity sharing status updates and obstacles
    • 10 minutes focused on coaching helping them develop to step into their work/personal/dream goals.

Builds productivity by ensuring that your team has time set aside to ask questions questions.  This reduces the number of times they need to interrupt your workflow during the week.

Builds relational capital by focusing on them and things that are important to them.

Helps with performance reviews with regular notes on how employees are doing.

Best Step:

Today’s Best Step:  Listen to the podcast on One on Ones: Basics  (You can view their entire podcasts on the subject HERE)

Download the Best Boss 3tens Form and set times with each member of your team two weeks out.

Additional Resources:

Check out these additional podcasts that can help you create a thriving workplace:

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