iring someone is never fun. Many of us wait too long, prolonging the issues and dealing with guilt only to finally surprise the employee with a termination they had no idea about. Others do it too soon and have to repeat the interview, hiring, and training process over and over again.
When done right, a termination is the validation of their resignation.
Bypass the stress, frustration and regret with today’s 5 Best steps.
Show Notes:
- When an employee’s bad behaviors finally overcome your stress, anxiety and fear of firing them, you need to know how to fire them the right way
- Yes, even Best Bosses need to fire employees sometimes
- Important: they saw it coming, we did our part to help them
- Need to be aware of the stress, anxiety and extra work for the team
- Process to help Best Bosses do what they can do and move forward
- My journey from being called the ‘Terminator’ to Valuing the Staff and getting thanked in the middle of their termination.
- 5 steps:
- Problem
- Preparation
- Perspective
- Process
- Prevention
- Should not be a surprise to anyone including the person being fired
- Filters I use in Step 3:
- Do we know for certain what happened?
- Did employee clearly understand expectations?
- Did we document process?
- Did warnings clearly focus on unwanted behavior?
- Are we working harder on their issues than they are?
- Did we under-hire or over-promote them?
- Flow in Step 4:
Value them
Review behavior and warnings
Impact it created
Discuss terms of their release
How to handle references and tell employees
Best Step:
Today’s Best Step: Practice firing a someone and have them give you feedback. i.e. work with a friend outside of work, but use real work issues.
Additional Resources:
Check out these additional podcasts that can help you create a thriving workplace: